Unix Images and Photos

Please add hyperlinks of relevant Unix images & photos here!

Phil Foglio's artwork for Usenix

A picture from 1972 of Ken & Dennis in front of the PDP-11/20. There is also a related photo on-line.

Unix Videos

Please add hyperlinks of relevant Unix videos here!

1982: AT&T Archives: The UNIX Operating System, also see Sandy Ressler's Animation

1982: UNIX: Making Computers Easier To Use, also see Sandy Ressler's Animation

1982: BLIT: an early Windowed Graphic Interface from Bell Labs

1985: Computer Chronicles: Unix

1989: Computer Chronicles: The Rebirth of Unix

2007: 25 Years of Unix (video clip)

2009: The Restoration of Early Unix Artifacts - Warren Toomey

2011: Video Interview with Dennis Ritchie

2012: Bloat: How and Why UNIX Grew Up (and Out) - Rusty Russell,Matt Evans

2012: Tributes to Dennis Ritchie

2014: A Narrative History of BSD - Kirk McKusick

2015: Early days of Unix and design of sh - Stephen Bourne

2015: A Brief History of the BSD Fast Filesystem - Kirk McKusick

2015: Computerphile interviews with Brian Kernighan

2016: C and Unix at Bell Labs - Brian Kernighan at VCF East (starts around 11:15)

2019: Brian Kernighan interviews Ken Thompson at VCF East