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Published Papers/Presentations

Early Papers and Manuscripts

Draft: The UNIX Time-Sharing System, D. M. Ritchie, mid-1971
Kernel Subroutine Descriptions, Jim DeFelice, March 1972
Study of Unix, T. Bashkow, June 1972
Unix Users Seminar, M. D. McIlroy, T. Baskhow, K. Thompson, January 1973
The UNIX Time-sharing System, Dennis Ritche, Communications of the ACM, 17(7), 1974

1970s Papers

Bell System Technical Journal Papers (1978)

UNIX time-sharing system: Preface, Crowley, T.H.
UNIX time-sharing system: Foreword, McIlroy, M.D. ; Pinson, E.N. ; Tague, B.A.
The UNIX time-sharing system, Ritchie, D.M. ; Thompson, K.
UNIX time-sharing system: UNIX implementation, Thompson, K.
UNIX time-sharing system: A retrospective, Ritchie, D.M.
UNIX time-sharing system: The UNIX shell, Bourne, S.R.
UNIX time-sharing system: The C programming language, Ritchie, D.M. ; Johnson, S.C. ; Lesk, M.E. ; Kernighan, B.W.
UNIX time-sharing system: Portability of C programs and the UNIX system, Johnson, S.C. ; Ritchie, D.M.
UNIX time-sharing system: The MERT Operating System, Lycklama, H. ; Bayer, D.L.
UNIX time-sharing system: UNIX on a microprocessor, Lycklama, H.
UNIX time-sharing system: A minicomputer satellite processor system, Lycklama, H. ; Christensen, C.
UNIX time-sharing system: Document preparation, Kernighan, B.W. ; Lesk, M.E. ; Ossanna, J.F.
UNIX time-sharing system: Statistical text processing, McMahon, L.E. ; Cherry, L.L. ; Morris, R.
UNIX time-sharing system: Language development tools, Johnson, S.C. ; Lesk, M.E.
UNIX time-sharing system: The Programmer's Workbench, Dolotta, T.A. ; Haight, R.C. ; Mashey, J.R.
UNIX time-sharing system: The UNIX Operating System as a base for applications, Luderer, G.W.R. ; Maranzano, J.F. ; Tague, B.A.
UNIX time-sharing system: Microcomputer control of apparatus, machinery, and experiments, Wonsiewicz, B.C. ; Storm, A.R. ; Sieber, J.D.
UNIX time-sharing system: Circuit design aids, Fraser, A.G.
UNIX time-sharing system: A support environment for MAC-8 systems, Rovegno, H.D.
UNIX time-sharing system: No. 4 ESS diagnostic environment, Pekarich, S.P.
UNIX time-sharing system: RBCS/RCMAS — converting to the MERT operating system, Nagelberg, E.R. ; Pilla, M.A.
UNIX time-sharing system: The Network Operations Center System, Cohen, H. ; Kaufeld, J.C.

1980s Papers

AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal (1984)

1990s Papers

Retrospective Papers

A Research Unix Reader, M. D. McIlroy, 1987
The Restoration of Early Unix Artifacts, Warren Toomey, 2009 Usenix Annual Technical Conference
First Edition Unix: Its Creation and Restoration, Warren Toomey, IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 32 (3), 74-82, 2010

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